A Short History
In 2008, Founder Dave Kratz approached the Quakertown Borough asking, “What areas of our town need help?”
The Borough members pointed him to the skatepark in town, which falling apart and about to be closed down due to the ‘parentless’ and ‘directionless’ teens who were using illicit drugs and vandalism.
Dave decided to take on the challenge. He began going to the park regularly, developing relationships with the “Goodlums”, and understood the need for the park to be backed by the Quakertown community.
Dave and volunteers began to host events, and through relentless effort over 10 years, the team raised $10,000 to get the draw-ups for what would eventually become the concrete park we have now.
Once the draw ups were complete, the community started backing the project, and they were able to raise 1 million dollars in the following year. All of which was through grassroots efforts.
Today the Energy Center and concrete skatepark exist for the community as a free third-place in Quakertown, PA for all to enjoy.