Our Goal

We aim to capture the diverse group of partners that came together to turn the dream of Free Fall into a reality. Throughout the film, you’ll see the rise of the Goodlums and their growth through the process, and the continued impact the park is having on the community.

What’s the story?

In 2008, Founder and Executive Director Dave Kratz approached the Borough, asking how he could help the community. They pointed him toward the town’s skatepark, citing a growing group of, parentless and directionless teens.”

In this documentary, you’ll hear it from the people themselves: those who stuck around for the 10 years it took to raise 1 million dollars, gracious donors, and students and families directly impacted by the park's mission.

About the Director

Shane Yelicanin, was born and raised in Quakertown. His interest in media production was formed at the original town skatepark, making videos with his friends.

While studying Film and Anthropology at Fordham University, he developed a passion for documentaries. Free Fall provided a beautiful opportunity to see his vision come to life on the big screen!